Services Api contain the Generics repository of our ODM
based on our models API
it has many methods which will help you to implement your applications quickly
✏️ Methods
Method Params Return getAll - Promise<T[]>
getAllPaginated { page, limit }
getAllDeleted - Promise<T[]>
getAllWithDeleted - Promise<T[]>
getById { id }
create { entity }
bulkCreate { entities }
update { entity, id }
hardDelete { id }
softDelete { id }
restore { id }
bulkDelete - Promise<void>
getSchema { exclude }
📝 Declaration
import { SequelizeBaseEntity } from ' @gnx-utilities/models '
import { SequelizeService } from ' @gnx-utilities/services '
import { DataTypes, Sequelize } from ' sequelize '
import type { UUID } from ' node:crypto '
const sequelize = new Sequelize ( {
dialect: ' sqlite ' ,
storage: ' ./db/test.sqlite '
} )
class User extends SequelizeBaseEntity {
declare id : UUID
declare firstName : string
declare lastName : string
declare email : string
User . init (
id: { type: DataTypes . UUID , primaryKey: true , defaultValue: DataTypes . UUIDV4 },
firstName: { type: DataTypes . STRING },
lastName: { type: DataTypes . STRING },
email: { type: DataTypes . STRING },
isDeleted: { type: DataTypes . BOOLEAN , defaultValue: false }
{ sequelize, modelName: ' person ' }
class UserService extends SequelizeService < User > {
constructor () {
super (User)
const userService = new UserService ()
import { TypegooseBaseEntity } from ' @gnx-utilities/models '
import { TypegooseService } from ' @gnx-utilities/services '
import { getModelForClass, prop } from ' @typegoose/typegoose '
const uri =
' mongodb://localhost:27017/?readPreference=primary&ssl=false&directConnection=true '
const connection = async () : Promise < void > => {
await connect (uri , { dbName: ' test ' } )
class User extends TypegooseBaseEntity {
@prop ({ type: String })
declare firstName : string
@prop ({ type: String })
declare lastName : string
@prop ({ type: String })
declare email : string
const UserModel = getModelForClass (User)
class UserService extends TypegooseService < User > {
constructor () {
super (UserModel)
const userService = new UserService ()
Get all documents from a collection
const users = await userService . getAll ();
console . log (users); // [ { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' } ]
Get all documents from a collection with pagination
const users = await userService . getAllPaginated ( { page: 1 , limit: 10 } );
console . log (users); // { docs: [ { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' } ], totalDocs: 1, limit: 10, totalPages: 1, page: 1, pagingCounter: 1, hasPrevPage: false, hasNextPage: false, prevPage: null, nextPage: null }
Get all deleted documents from a collection
const users = await userService . getAllDeleted ();
console . log (users); // [ { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' } ]
Get all documents from a collection with deleted documents
const users = await userService . getAllWithDeleted ();
console . log (users); // [ { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' } ]
Get a document by id
const user = await userService . getById ( { id: 1 } );
console . log (user); // { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' }
Create a document
const user = await userService . create ( {
entity: { firstName: ' John ' , lastName: ' Doe ' },
} );
console . log (user . firstName ); // John
Create many documents
const entity = { firstName: ' John ' , lastName: ' Doe ' }
const created = await userService . bulkCreate ( {
entities: Array ( 10 ) . fill (entity) ,
} );
console . log (created); // [ { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' } ]
Update a document
const user = await userService . update ( {
id: 1 ,
entity: { firstName: ' Jane ' , lastName: ' Doe ' },
} );
console . log (user . firstName ); // Jane
Hard delete a document
await userService . hardDelete ({ id: 1 });
on the database the document will be deleted
Soft delete a document
await userService . softDelete ({ id: 1 });
on the database the document will be updated with the isDeleted field
id firstName lastName createdAt updatedAt isDeleted 1 John Doe 2021-01-01 00:00:00 2021-01-01 00:00:00 1 or true
Restore a document
await userService . restore ({ id: 1 });
on the database the document will be updated with the isDeleted field
id firstName lastName createdAt updatedAt isDeleted 1 John Doe 2021-01-01 00:00:00 2021-01-01 00:00:00 0 or false
Delete all documents from a collection
await userService . bulkDelete ();
id firstName lastName createdAt updatedAt isDeleted
Get the properties that are mandatory for the model
const schema = userService . getSchema ();
console . log (schema); // [ { name: 'firstName', type: 'string' }, { name: 'lastName', type: 'string' } ]
const schema = userService . getSchema ( { exclude: [ ' firstName ' ] } );
console . log (schema); // [ { name: 'lastName', type: 'string' } ]